Three Ways to Jump-Start a Total Lifestyle Makeover

Do you feel like your life has no direction? Do you feel like the habits you currently have are all wrong and do nothing to benefit your health or your mind? What you need is a complete lifestyle makeover—a series of big changes that transform your lifestyle into one that will make you feel fulfilled and healthy. The hardest part of making such big changes is getting started. So here are three suggestions for ways to jumpstart your total lifestyle makeover.

1. Move to a New City

If you can afford to move, moving to a new city is a good way to transform your lifestyle all at once. You'll be surrounded by new people, so you won't have to worry about friends pulling you back into your old habits. You'll be surrounded by new places—so you won't have to worry about being tempted by the bars and restaurants you used to visit as your old, less-healthy self. You can completely transform yourself without constantly having to explain yourself to people who already know you.

2. Set Goals

If moving seems too drastic, maybe you can start by putting the changes you want to make down on paper. This makes the changes seem more realistic, and it also holds you accountable. When writing down your goals, make sure each goal is specific and realistic. Then, try to break each goal down into smaller, approachable steps. 

For example, if one of your overall goals is to lose thirty pounds by New Year's Day, some good sub-goals may be to lose five pounds a month for each of the next six months and to attend the gym at least four times per week. 

3. Hire a Lifestyle Makeover Expert

Making big changes on your own can seem impossible. Maybe you've tried to change on your own, but to no avail. If this is the case for you, a good first step is to find personalized lifestyle makeover services. Coaches can work with you to devise strategies personalized to your needs. These coaches have worked with many other people, so they know what works and what does not. Working with a coach ensures you feel accountable to someone. You're less likely to slip up when you have to tell someone about it!

It's never too late to overhaul your life and become a new person. For more advice, contact a lifestyle makeover expert in your area.

402 Words

About Me

Can Consultants Help Your Small Business? As a small business owner, I have worked with many consultants throughout the years. I have had service providers prepare my taxes and handle all of my accounting, and I have had consultants help me create training materials and business policies. I've even worked with consultants instead of lawyers when I was creating, reading, or signing business contracts. Along the way, many colleagues have come to me for advice and I've been successful at help them find the consultants they need. So, I figured I would help small businesses around the world determine their consulting needs and ensure that their needs are being met as time goes on – which is how this blog came into fruition. I hope the information found here helps your small business as much as it has helped mine.



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